Throwing kindness around like confetti

Throwing kindness around like confetti

With all of these destructive news stories consuming our minds every time audiences tune in it is vital that we remember that there are current events happening across the globe that some news stations aren’t showing that show pure kindness and humanitarianism.

Here are a few to enjoy.

“Unbroken: Path to Redemption”: Seeing through a spiritual lens

“Unbroken: Path to Redemption”: Seeing through a spiritual lens

Released on September 14th Harold Cronk’s dramatic film , “Unbroken: Path to Redemption” has begun creating a stir among movie goers. According to movie goer, Coleen Souther, “… Your heart will break and your heart will soar. This is beautiful true story!” Adapted from the original Laura Hillebrand book, Harold Cronk’s “Path to Redemption” picks up where Angelina Jolie’s Unbroken left off.

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