Throwing kindness around like confetti

Throwing kindness around like confetti

Meghan Salinas, Lifestyle and Buzzfeed Editor

Graphic courtesy of Corley Wood

Graphic courtesy of Corley Wood

The title might sound cliché but our world needs to get hit with a ginormous dose of kindness. From our news stations being filled with ground-breaking news regarding destructive matters, political matters, mass murder cases and crimes, our world is in a need of a lot of love. When audiences across the globe tune into news stations they need to be brought up to speed and stay current with the events that are going on in our world.

With all of these destructive news stories consuming our minds every time audiences tune in, it is vital that we remember there are current events happening across the globe that some news stations aren’t showing that show pure kindness and humanitarianism.

Here are a few current random acts of kindness happening around us that you may not be aware of:

1. The generosity of a Regional Transportation District employee named Gary Leikness of Denver, CO, gave a homeless and sick man a pair of shoes off of his own feet. Thankfully Leikness and the man had the same size feet as Leikness stated that he had many other pairs of shoes sitting in his car and said that the generous donation was, “no big deal.”

To read more about Leikness and his random act of kindness check out the story here.

2. Have you ever been to an amusement park and seen those family reunion shirts, or noticed that bigger families wear the same t-shirts to places like Disney World and Disney Land? The Ballou family from Manteca, California made shirts for their family trip to Disney Land to hopefully find their father, Larry, a kidney. With such a creative idea, the message was seen by over a million people and many people have already filled out the donor form.

To read more about The Ballou family and their search for a kidney donor check out the story here.

3. Now, this news story isn’t showing kindness but it is very interesting.

Behind the smile: There are many theories of who the real subject was behind the painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. Two Italian sisters claim that they are descendants of the subject.

Check out the similarities here:

4. Herman Gordon, a beloved janitor at Bristol University in the United Kingdom is surprised by students when they all pitched in over $2000 to purchase a trip to Jamaica for Gordon and his wife to see his family back home.

To read more about this story click here:

5. José Andrés and his nonprofit organization called World Central Kitchen are providing hope for people who are caught in the middle of every natural disaster by having full bellies and full hearts. Andrés and his team served over 3.6 million meals in Puerto Rico during Hurricane Maria and is doing the same for the Carolinas. His team served up meals to survivors of Hurricane Florence as he set up kitchens in Raleigh and Wilmington, North Carolina.  

Want to read more about Andrés and his team’s impact? Click here.

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