Check out some of the music events going on around the upstate and beyond here.

Check out some of the music events going on around the upstate and beyond here.
Bank of America’s Fall for Greenville Festival was the big talk of the town. Here is what you need to prepare for fall fun.
Fall Break is the perfect opportunity to snuggle with your pets at home. Meet the pets of NGU here.
Improv is back – Take a look at how the team’s first night on stage went here.
Looking for a spiritual mentor and friend? Big and Little is just for you. Find out more about this amazing program here.
Meet Abigail McGillis, senior elementary education major at NGU and recipient of the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities Student of the Year award.
Learn more about Fount and how you can be a part of this ministry on NGU campus.
Want to make your dorm feel more like home? Find out how four freshmen have made their rooms a safe space here.
Ready, set, go to the tailgate at North Greenville University. Couldn’t make it? Check out what you missed.
Learn about what intramural look like at NGU.