Craze at Converge 2020

Craze at Converge 2020

Over 50 NGU students left this past Friday for Converge, a weekend for all of South Carolina�s BCM students to gather together as one for worship. The students returned yesterday. Over the course of the three days, students were changed, called to mission, grown in their faith and brought closer together.

Miss NGU Madness

Miss NGU Madness

Seven women students of North Greenville University competed in Miss NGU on January 17. The night opened with a choreographed dance. The rest of the night consisted of interview questions, talent, ballgowns and awards. Kasie Thomas was crowned Miss NGU by former crown-holder Allison Life.



On Thanksgiving this year, students went home to spend time with friends and family. As the holiday season geared up, many laughs, smiles, and moments were shared. Here are just a few photos, pulled from Instagram, to show what students did in order to celebrate their Thanksgiving.

A concert and a cup of coffee

A concert and a cup of coffee

This past Thursday night after BCM, North Greenville University had yet another coffeehouse. Every month, the school opens up the mic for any student who wants to sing, play an instrument, or perform a spoken word (etc). This night�s coffeehouse was special because not only was it outside during intramural game time, but it also was the same night as North Greenville�s overnight weekend. How beautiful is it that our prospective students got to be a part of such an important family event here at NGU?

NGU Work Studies hard at work

NGU Work Studies hard at work

In this photo blog, my goal was to share the names and faces of those behind desks here on campus. Our Work Study program is not only beneficial to those who are a part of it, but it is also is a big help to keeping our campus and students in order here.

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