Happy Valentines Day from the Vision Media.
Puppy love online
Do you ever find yourself just dreaming about what it�d be like to have a puppy jump in your lap at that very moment? Do you get great joy from seeing the wag of a tail or feeling paws on your leg? If this is you, keep reading to find out some of the best social media accounts created for dogs.
Be single, mingle and share love this Valentine’s Day
While we typically associate the endearing type of love with Valentine�s Day, let�s not forget about affectionate love, brotherly love and yes, even self-love.
Summer Comics: A Life Lesson: Wait for the Right One
The best ones are worth waiting for.
8 books to kick off your summer
Whether you are a book fanatic or just looking for something to do over the summer, these eight books will be sure to keep you occupied.
5 gifts to surprise your mother with on Mother’s Day
You are in college and between eating, sleeping, studying, friends and trying to hold on to the ever-fading concept of a love life or at least a decent GPA, calling mom isn�t always the priority. The good news is Mother�s day is the perfect opportunity to make up for that through gifts. So make it count.
National Proposal Day: NGU proposal stories to make you swoon
�He was smiling,� said Joseph. �And he got down on his knees. Of course, I accepted.�
Photoblog: Valentine’s Dinner
A look back at the NGU Valentine’s Day dinner and activities in Todd Dining Hall.
Things to do if You’re Single on Valentine’s Day
If you�re that single person who has no idea what to do for this so-called lover�s holiday, don�t worry, you�re not alone.
A look into the new campus program, “How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk”
In a relationship? Single? North Greenville University has a new program called, “How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk” that helps students to discover the best way to date.