A new Spring football league is here that comes with some traditional rules of football being changed all to appeal to the fanbase.

A new Spring football league is here that comes with some traditional rules of football being changed all to appeal to the fanbase.
Alicia Silvers, Graphic Designer For more information about the Top 15 Democratic candidates for 2020, please visit https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/11/09/top-democratic-presidential-candidates-ranked/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.cbcf9da2d514
Spring sports are in full swing! Vision TV’s Benjamin London has the latest on spring sports at NGU.
Happy Monday, Crusaders! Vision TV’s Rachel Daniel has this week’s Monday Minute. Enjoy!
The one year anniversary of the Parkland Shooting occurred on Feb. 14 of this year.
On Feb. 15 2019, President Trump declared a national emergency to attempt to get funds for the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.
Midterms can be an incredibly busy time of year. Here are some ways to make them easier to manage.
Here is a look at the inspirational quote of the week by C. S. Lewis.
Names of NBA free agents was released and the process of recruiting players within the NBA has begun. Learn more about the top players that are free agents and about teams that might experience a change in players for next season.
On Monday February 11, 2019, Intramural indoor soccer teams Chicken Flavored Ramen and Quick-N-Clean battled it out on the court. Chicken Flavored Ramen defeated Quick-N-Clean 5-0.