Read more to find out about Senior basketball player, Matthew Moore.

Read more to find out about Senior basketball player, Matthew Moore.
The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin
Check out some photos of the Women’s Basketball game against Emmanuel College.
Even if school has finally begun students, are still having fun. These candids show laughs and stories shared among friends on campus.
Danny Purcell, Staff Photographer On average, 112 million people watch the famous Superbowl every year. Families and friends gather around their TVs to watch one of America’s most prolific sports. […]
Seven astronomical events happening in 2018.
What motivation could the FCC have to enable the regulation of the entire Internet.
Doing something amazing for God doesn�t necessarily mean doing something extraordinary, like traveling across the globe to do mission work as many Christians tend to believe. True, the Lord calls us to go and make disciples in Matthew 28:19, but that doesn�t limit us to international mission work only. No, we can make disciples in our own community, and one way to do that is through starting a Bible study/small group.
North Greenville University, despite its semingly small size, has some hidden buildings that may be difficult for people to find. Take a look at some popular buildings and how to find them.
As the Fall semester comes to an end these seven women are gearing up to be Residents Advisors this coming Spring semester. After applying and being interviewed, the following women have been chosen to fill the places of RAs leaving this semester: