Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to be lost at sea? Have you ever wondered what you’d do to pass the time if you were? Keep reading to find out 10 fantastic things you would’ve never though of doing if you were stranded at sea.

Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to be lost at sea? Have you ever wondered what you’d do to pass the time if you were? Keep reading to find out 10 fantastic things you would’ve never though of doing if you were stranded at sea.
Johna Robbins, Vision TV Staff
Crusaders stay busy over Christmas break with basketball and volleyball games.
An anonymous woman who is going by the pseudonym ‘Grace’ recently spoke out about what she calls “the worst night of her life” with Ansari.
For most college seniors it�s that time of year where senioritis is barging through the door without any delay, but not for North Greenville University senior, theatre majors Austin Smith and Taylor Whitmire.
Bethany Lipscomb, Vision TV Staff
Seven astronomical events happening in 2018.
Shane Nelson, Vision TV Staff
Social Media Staff
Bethany Lipscomb, Vision TV Staff