Opinion: is social media helpful or harmful?

Opinion: is social media helpful or harmful?

Social media’s growing popularity has brought up the question of is it helpful or hurtful? I know many people are either strongly in favor or strongly opposed when it comes to the topic of social media, but I’d rather take a different approach. I’d like to take an approach that is more middle of the road. 

5 tips to help a current friendship

5 tips to help a current friendship

We all have those friendships that have had impact on our lives over the years. Friends are there to help us through the struggles and the craziness of life. Appreciate the friendships that you have, never take them for granted. But sometimes we do need help with maintaining friendships, so here are some tips.

Racism in the Entertainment World

Racism in the Entertainment World

How do we know when it’s time to forgive and forget? How do we know we’re giving our forgiveness to the right people? In light of the recent controversies involving Kevin Hart and Liam Neeson, these are now questions we not only have to answer about our friends and family, but about our most beloved celebrities as well.

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