A North Greenville student was severly burned in an accident and is now being treated at the JMS Burn Center in Augusa, Ga.
Syria air strikes: What you don�t know
On Thursday, April 6, Trump authorized the firing of 59 U.S. Tomahawk missiles on the Syrian airfield and storage facilities believed to be responsible for the April 4th chemical weapons attacks on unarmed Syrian men, women and children. Trump�s Thursday night press conference clarified many of the details regarding the attack, dubbed as a �one-off� by a Pentagon spokesperson, including that the targets of the strike included ammunition storage units, 20 aircraft, fuel storage and aircraft runways. What you don�t know is that Russia is prepared to go to war over it.
Tragedy Strikes in March 2017
Timeline of the major bombings in March 2017.
Treat yourself to NGU’s tutoring services
Many have had good experiences with it and their grades have improved since using the tutoring services.
Trump prepares for possible government shutdown
Trump may be celebrating his 100th day in office with a government shutdown.
Where freedom rings
In a country where freedom of speech, the press, religion, and commerce are becoming more scarce than the Cosby Show reruns one group has decided to promote the liberties of the nation.
NGU Counseling Department Holds Seminar on Handling Stress
The North Greenville University Counseling Department held a 40-minute seminar this past Thursday, called “Put Stress In Its Place: Finish the School Year Strong.”
Brexit: �There can be no turning back.�
By invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty (the article that states how a country might exit the EU), Great Britain begins the two-year annulment process, which has been likened to, �divorce proceedings.� Over the course of the 44 year old pact between Great Britain and the current 27 other national sovereignties, Europe as a continent has passed free immigration and travel laws, brokered various treaties and trade deals between in-house nations and outside countries, and provided a form of what many refer to as, �financial stability.� Unfortunately for the EU, Great Britain no longer sees the aforementioned dealings as reason enough to stay complacent.
The glorious discovery of the Facebook Town Hall tool
The new Facebook Town Hall Tool allows us to contact or message our county or even state legislatures. It’s as easy as 1…2…3! Voting and getting connected with legislatures have never been so easy! Check this out!!
Vision 48 News: The Mountain Laurel’s Next Volume Release
The Mountain Laurel will release their next volume this month. They will host their reveal party on Monday, April 17th. Here�s Kimberly Henry with more information.