North Korea: Are we going to war?

North Korea: Are we going to war?

Jazmyne Boozer, Staff Writer

Graphic created by Devan Trout.

Graphic created by Devan Trout.

For most of the 20th century, North Korea was a threat to the United States. With a keader who is so powerful and controls every facet of his people’s lives, should we be afraid? Are we in danger of nuclear war? Here’s what you should know: 

  1. North Korea’s most recent missile test failed. This test was held on April 15th, the anniversary of Kim Il-Sung, the grandfather of Kim Jong Un. The missile blew up as soon as it was about to lift off.  

  2. North Korea has a history of spouting out false rhetoric in order to promote fear.  

“The DPRK is a nuclear power capable of countering any option and means of the U.S. and will not avoid any options made by it,” A DPRK  spokesman said after the failed missile test.  North Korea has also called itself a “peace-loving” state, and its nuclear power a “success”,  even though both of these statements are painfully untrue. 

        3. North Korea actually does not have access to a nuclear warhead. Although military experts say that the bombs they are creating have gotten more powerful over the years, they do not have a nuclear warhead capable of the range needed to get to the United States.  

       4. The U.N. has countless sanctions against North Korea which makes for finding and buying resources harder for the nation. 

       5. North Korea is currently not economically stable enough to start and maintain a war. Not only this but it is still recovering from the famine that ravaged their country in the 90s. 

       6. Most of their military weapons have not been upgraded since WWII.  

All in all, we really have nothing to worry about regarding a nuclear war with North Korea. They do not have the funding, alliance backing or weaponry to combat the United States at this time. Keep calm and carry on. 

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