What shall you knoweth about magic, love and comedy? See the NGU Theatre department in action, as they perform a classic tale from Shakespeare.

What shall you knoweth about magic, love and comedy? See the NGU Theatre department in action, as they perform a classic tale from Shakespeare.
Thinking of going to the next men’s breakfast that NGU holds? Everything you’d need to make that decision is right here.
Look at some of the remaining events before summer break.
NGU’s Rosti Art Gallery hosts faculty art show throughout the month of April.
Want to catch up on some of the past week’s headlines? Click here to make sure you’re in the know.
Want to know about the upcoming changes regarding chapel?
What happened at the 2023 march madness tournament?
Read about the Bob Jones University president resignation and other turn of events here.
Have you ever been to FCA? Even if you are not an athlete, you can still go to and learn about this campus ministry.
Check out the school of theatre’s magical and mystical Shakespeare play coming up.