Getting “Syria-s” with Syria

Getting “Syria-s” with Syria

Tensions have become high with Syria in the last few years.

Starting with the Obama Administration and going into the Trump Administration, chemical bombs in Syria have been the number one topic to discuss around the politician’s dinner table. Here’s a timeline that begins with Obama’s “red line drawn in the sand” to the missile strike by western nations on April 13, 2018.   

Donald Trump’s Un-historic meeting with Kim Jong-Un

Donald Trump’s Un-historic meeting with Kim Jong-Un

In the first week of March, Donald Trump accepted an invitation from North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, in an unprecedented, �shocking� gesture to come to terms with one of the most volatile countries of the twenty-first century. Kim Jong-Un is a �wildcard,� but with the upcoming Trump, Jong-Un meeting in May, could we be looking at an upcoming era of peace, or does North Korea have something unpropitious up its sleeve?

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