Check out the academically excellent students who won awards for this year.
It wasn’t just an act: NGU theatre’s seniors perform one last time with Act II
Take a look at the Act two chapel performance.
NGU’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream finishes first weekend of production
What shall you knoweth about magic, love and comedy? See the NGU Theatre department in action, as they perform a classic tale from Shakespeare.
Memory and pain: a peek into NGU faculty’s artistic inspiration
NGU’s Rosti Art Gallery hosts faculty art show throughout the month of April.
FCA for the win: How did the athletes score their own ministry?
Have you ever been to FCA? Even if you are not an athlete, you can still go to and learn about this campus ministry.
NGU students race through inflatable course during Spring Fling Week
Inflatables on campus is giving students a reason to head outside.
The Vision gathers awards: Take a look at the 2023 SCPA journalism conference
Want to learn more on why The Vision went to the South Carolina Press Association convention? Find out here.
NGU hosts outdoor concert for overnight touring students
NGU hosts outdoor concert with students favorite pop songs to ring in spring time.
They can do it all: NGU got talent
Check out a few of the contestants from the NGU Got Talent competition during spring formal week.
Women’s Lacrosse team takes on Converse University
Check out the recent NGU women’s lacrosse game.