Improv nights are back and better than ever

Improv nights are back and better than ever

Sadie Beaumont, Staff Photographer

The 2023 “Required Chaos” improv team joins together on stage for the first time. Pictured from left to right are sophomore Caleb Wright, sophomore Noah Cruver, junior Alyse Barrett, senior Sarah Delanuez, junior Savannah Williamson and sophomore Grace Salter.

Fearless leader, junior Logan Stewart, cheers on his team of actors during a scene.

Barrett portrays the agony of forgetting her ID card during Chapel.

Delanuez, right side, pretends to break her ankle during a chaotic Black Friday scene with Salters.

Williamson falls to the floor during a scene, sends the audience into a laughing fit.

Barrett, Delanuez and Wright partake in a game of “Confession.”

NGU Theatre Alumni Kale Morse makes a surprise appearance on stage.

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The crowd roars after a successful performance by the new “Required Chaos” team.

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