Take a look at three ways your brain can benefit from moving your body before midterms.
Serving looks and debunking hooks- read the latest update on NGU’s tennis teams
The NGU tennis teams are on the uprise this season; by keeping the positive attitudes and passion for the sport alive.
Are you a graduate student looking to further your medical education?
Check out the new College of Allied Health, ran by Dr. Jordan Hairr. It provides students that have a bachelor’s degree an understanding of professionalism and work ethic.
Game night by campus life: May the best player win
Are you a card game or board game type of person? Check out what kind of games you can find at Campus Life Game Nights.
Let’s get candid on campus: A week at NGU
Check out what students are doing on campus this week with these campus candid’s.
Students take the reins: A look into NGU’s student led renewal week
Read about NGU’s Student Led Renewal Week and hear more from students who participated in it here.
Campus marketing and communications team find a new home
What happened to the Einsteins building? Find out what in this article.
Need a ring? Jostens has you covered
Want a ring? Necklace? Or an invitation package to your graduation? Jostens has all of these things and more, check it out.
These ladies are up to par: Updates on the NGU women’s golf team
From birdies to hole in ones; NGU women’s golf is swinging into gear this season.
To testify of His work: A recounting of the past and present work of God through Asbury University
Have you heard of the Asbury revival? Read more about it here.