Did the Cleveland Indians make the right choice in changing their logo?
The life-changing outcome of sports
A boy in poverty from Uganda gets to grow up boxing in America.
Lacrosse: Women Crusaders dominate Oklahoma Baptist
Women Crusaders gain a victory over Oklahoma Baptist in lacrosse.
NGU athletics play through Christmas break
Crusaders stay busy over Christmas break with basketball and volleyball games.
8 gift ideas your athletic significant other will love
gifts your sporty significant other will been in awe over
Not fictitious, but funny football fan rituals
With millions of fans, comes odd and hilarious rituals performed to show support for their favorite teams. Take a look at seven of the most bizarre or amazing college football traditions.
VIDEO: Sports Recap
Briana Mann, Vision TV Staff
VIDEO: Sports Recap
Briana Mann, Vision TV Staff
VIDEO: NGU Football Kickoff
Ansley Brock, Vision TV Staff
Sports Briefs
In obvious agony with his left leg clutched to him, Beckham was carted off the field after going up for a catch and landing tricky back on to the field. Charger players immediately noticed Beckham’s injury and motioned over for medical attention.