Three of NGU’s faculty held a panel discussion on the issue of sexual assault and informed students of Title IX.
Human Trafficking Awareness Graphic
Human trafficking is also known as modern day slavery. Any race, gender or age is in danger of human trafficking. This infographic provides some statistics worldwide as well as resources for help.
Opinion: Should Aziz be reprieved?
An anonymous woman who is going by the pseudonym ‘Grace’ recently spoke out about what she calls “the worst night of her life” with Ansari.
Sexual assault: strength in numbers
Sexual assault and sexual harassment have been in the media abundantly lately. So much in fact that society has become numb to how big of an issue it is . The first step to coming out of this numb state is educating oneself on exactly what sexual assault and harassment are and what all these cases in the media are really about.
NGU offers resources for investigative and healing help after sexual assault
�Students can report anything�it can be as simple as, �Someone hugged me and I didn�t like it,� to, �I was raped.�”