A North Greenville University’s men’s basketball game took place Friday, Mar. 15, 2019 against Queens University. The Crusaders put up a total of 75 points while the Royals scored 54.

A North Greenville University’s men’s basketball game took place Friday, Mar. 15, 2019 against Queens University. The Crusaders put up a total of 75 points while the Royals scored 54.
Juniors, Braeden and Austin Dixon play lacrosse for North Greenville University. Hear their story of how they came to NGU and what it�s like playing on the same team as your twin brother.
It�s obvious that in the movies people don�t make the best choices, but beyond that they don�t even make the most practical ones. There�s a list below of 6 of the things Twitter users determine that teenagers do differently in the movies than is done in real life.
The Valentine’s Day open dorm event took place on Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019. The males checked in for the event at the Howard residence hall and then preceded to the female dorms. Overall, many people watched movies or played games together.
North Greenville University’s men’s fifth baseball game took place Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019 against Newberry College. The Crusaders put up a total of 13 points while the Wolves scored 5.
For many TV addicts, it isn’t enough to just watch a show. They need to analyze it obsessively, and look for the tiny details that will reveal bigger, deeper context, and history, for their favorite fictional universes. I�ve listed 5 shocking possible truths about some of today�s most well-known and revered TV shows.
Where�s the fire? What�s got sparks flying and people buzzing in downtown Travelers Rest? A firehouse turned coffee shop; I give you Chicora Alley.
Photoblog of the men�s volleyball game against Life University.
Have you been getting excited for Christmas, but you aren�t sure what to do with all that excitement? If this is you, keep reading to discover five things that are sure to keep your Christmas spirit high.
Racism in the Entertainment World
How do we know when it�s time to forgive and forget? How do we know we�re giving our forgiveness to the right people? In light of the recent controversies involving Kevin Hart and Liam Neeson, these are now questions we not only have to answer about our friends and family, but about our most beloved celebrities as well.