Seth Driskill is one of the biggest Marvel fans on campus. He has seen every Marvel movie and TV series. His friends wait for his opinion on any new Marvel movie.

Seth Driskill is one of the biggest Marvel fans on campus. He has seen every Marvel movie and TV series. His friends wait for his opinion on any new Marvel movie.
Before you start your summer job as a cashier, you might want to read these facts.
Humans of NGU Ethan Jacobs
Armed Forces Day is May 18, 2019, a day where we celebrate all of the men and women serving our country. Thank you to all of the men and women who are serving for our country. We are forever grateful for your bravery.
Player Profile-Aaron Campbell NGU Men�s Volleyball
Happy Mother�s Day North Greenville. Be sure to tell your mother and the women in your life how much you appreciate them.
Today is national Coca Cola day! But before you pick up that soda you will want to check this graphic.
110 years ago Einstein was appointed professor of theoretical physics at Zurich University in Switzerland. Here are some more facts about him.
A quick profile on Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the most important characters in Star Wars.
Here is a simple list of activities to do during summer.