This article will discuss the topic of North Greenville University�s fire drill policy, the rules surrounding it and what happens when you fail to adhere to those rules. Read to find out.
Photoblog: It’s never too late for a good prank
April Fools� is the world�s greatest �get out of jail free� card for all those passive aggressive, sometimes borderline pranks we�ve been dying to play on friends, roommates, professors, and family members the entire year. Here are seven sure ways you can prank your friends and make this the best, or most infuriating, April Fools� day ever.
North Greenville’s Baseball Team Crushes Southern Wesleyan University
The North Greenville men�s baseball game against Southern Wesleyan University took place on Mar. 30, 2019. The Crusaders put up a total of nine points while the Warriors only scored three points.
Opinion: Singleness- one of the Church’s biggest failures
The Church has notoriously been a hard place to be single. The very essence of our Christian culture elevates marriage. I�m not saying that marriage shouldn�t be elevated because it�s definitely important, but as the Church we can�t cater to married people and leave the single people out in the cold.
NGU Men’s Volleyball Team Versus Queens University
A North Greenville University’s men’s basketball game took place Friday, Mar. 15, 2019 against Queens University. The Crusaders put up a total of 75 points while the Royals scored 54.
Seeing double on the field
Juniors, Braeden and Austin Dixon play lacrosse for North Greenville University. Hear their story of how they came to NGU and what it�s like playing on the same team as your twin brother.
6 things teenagers do in the movies that doesn’t make sense
It�s obvious that in the movies people don�t make the best choices, but beyond that they don�t even make the most practical ones. There�s a list below of 6 of the things Twitter users determine that teenagers do differently in the movies than is done in real life.
Valentine’s Day Open Dorm Event
The Valentine’s Day open dorm event took place on Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019. The males checked in for the event at the Howard residence hall and then preceded to the female dorms. Overall, many people watched movies or played games together.
NGU Crusaders vs. Newberry College Baseball Game
North Greenville University’s men’s fifth baseball game took place Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019 against Newberry College. The Crusaders put up a total of 13 points while the Wolves scored 5.
Racism in the Entertainment World
How do we know when it�s time to forgive and forget? How do we know we�re giving our forgiveness to the right people? In light of the recent controversies involving Kevin Hart and Liam Neeson, these are now questions we not only have to answer about our friends and family, but about our most beloved celebrities as well.