How to survive college

How to survive college

Zion Mekhi Dendy, Staff Writer

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All of the aspects that go into college don’t make for an easy experience, a lot of times. School work, extra-curricular activities, and work can pile on the stress. So, how exactly are we supposed to survive these four years of our life?

“Classes are tough,” sophomore Kwame Livingston said, “It’s really tough to pass classes such as New Testament and Human Biology while playing football.”

For Athletes such as Livington, playing college football was a dream come true. What he didn’t dream of were the 19.5 credit hours he would have to take nearly every semester.

“Sleep is rare but that’s something I’ve become accustomed to,” Livington said, “Some nights I get maybe four to five hours and other nights I’d be lucky one or two.”

In modern day America, the idea of a sleep-deprived college student who fails multiple classes throughout their college career has become the norm. Students are expected to do hours upon hours of homework along with working part-time positions to be able to care for themselves. Some may say it is a miracle that they graduated with their sanity.

“College is all about making reliable friends.” NGU graduate Blake Patton said, “If you can find friends within your major that you can trust, college will become so much easier for you”.

Patton, who studied Christian Studies, dreams of one day becoming a youth pastor at a successful and stable church where he can teach young people how to be Christ-like citizens in their communities.

“Along with making reliable friends, you yourself must, emphasis on must, be reliable.” Patton said, “You never know, someone you used to work with in college could end up as one of your bosses or coworkers.”

“Always be on time,” Stuart Floyd, director of career planning at NGU said. “Professors are also connectors and could in turn get you your dream job one day.”

Floyd stresses that presenting yourself as professional in all ways will help you tremendously in the future.

“Connect to your college dean also, they are great with connecting students to companies where they know they will thrive.,” Floyd said.

Surviving college can be seen as a very tough task for some. Athletes and non-athletes alike struggle day-to-day with coming up with ways to survive day in and day out. Using these tips can make the college experience a little bit easier.


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