For 19 years now, Rick Morris has worked as NGU�s chief of campus security. Morris has taken the department from its infancy with only a few people to the substantial and well-trained department it is today.
Family Weekend- a time of unity
Families came to visit their students and to participate in fun activities such as movie night and the football game.
Humans of NGU: Grace Bennett takes Improv by storm
Grace Bennett has wanted one thing since she enrolled at North Greenville University: to be a part of their improv comedy group, Required Chaos.
NGU collectors show their stash
Students and professors all around campus have different collections to share.
NGU behind the scenes
Hidden images around campus.
NGU football team beats Newberry College
The North Greenville Football team played their first game of the season on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2019 against Newberry College. The Crusaders scored 17 while the Wolves only scored 7.
NGU Hosts Students Evacuating From Hurricane Dorian
NGU is honored to host evacuating students from the low country due to Hurricane Dorian. Vision TV’s Bethany Fowler has the latest. KENZIE WEBB, STAFF GRAPHIC ARTIST Hurricane Dorian, hitting […]
NGU department changes
These changes have been made to the educational departments at NGU this year.