Opinion: DACA or Nada?

Opinion: DACA or Nada?

As of now the DACA program for incoming recipients is terminated until a revised edition is given by Congress. The question remains though: What is going to happen to the recipients that are currently in the United States?

Brexit: �There can be no turning back.�

By invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty (the article that states how a country might exit the EU), Great Britain begins the two-year annulment process, which has been likened to, �divorce proceedings.� Over the course of the 44 year old pact between Great Britain and the current 27 other national sovereignties, Europe as a continent has passed free immigration and travel laws, brokered various treaties and trade deals between in-house nations and outside countries, and provided a form of what many refer to as, �financial stability.� Unfortunately for the EU, Great Britain no longer sees the aforementioned dealings as reason enough to stay complacent.

OPINION: The travel ban: Fiction, fable and fact-part 2

OPINION: The travel ban: Fiction, fable and fact-part 2

Positions taken by the news outlets covering the travel ban, have been broadly and decidedly critical of the executive order, accusing the commander-in-chief of racially profiling countries based on their large Muslim populations or their religious affiliations. However, the executive order issued by President Trump is neither unprecedented, racist or unreasonable.

OPINION: The travel ban: Fiction, fable and fact – Part 1

OPINION: The travel ban: Fiction, fable and fact – Part 1

While terrorists arguably converge upon American property through various means and methods of transportation, there is an outstanding history of violence from those that board airplanes, i.e., the attacks on 9/11. Amidst continued attacks worldwide and on American citizens specifically, including the Boston bombings, the attack on Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, etc. etc., it is crucial that the Trump administration address the very real national security concerns these undocumented immigrants and refugees pose.

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