Learn about an indie horror game called “Inscryption.”

Learn about an indie horror game called “Inscryption.”
Ready, set, go to the tailgate at North Greenville University. Couldn’t make it? Check out what you missed.
See what happened at the NGU Ping Pong Tournament, hosted on Saturday, March 25.
Are you a card game or board game type of person? Check out what kind of games you can find at Campus Life Game Nights.
NGU student council hosts a minute to win it style Game Night.
Ryan Bailey, Staff Graphic Artist The Olympic Winter Games was an international multi-sport event held between Feb. 4 and Feb. 20 in Beijing, China.
Think you know NGU? Challenge your knowledge with these questions.
Tabletop role playing games have greatly increased in popularity. These games were well liked by a few but unknown by the general public. A few mainstream appearances and one extremely popular Kickstarter campaign later, tabletop role playing games have swept the nation.
Some interesting and odd facts about historical board games.
Luke Kingsbury, staff Photographer NGU kicked off 2018?s cornhole tournament in preparation of homecoming. Teams of two worked together to beat other teams of two to win the tournament. Many […]