NGU Pun of the week.
Hilarious Company Tweets
Here are a few funny tweets that were found of companies being real instead of professional.
The Turnip
There are some crazy news stories out there. Some that have a scratching our heads wondering if they are even true. Here are a few news stories that will having you laughing and shaking your head.
The Turnip: News so Real it Sounds Fake
You may think that this these articles are click-bait or fake news, but no, these stories are as real as ever. So, enjoy this, because these stories are going to blow your mind.
Top 10 Finsta posts
�fake� instagram is where people will post stuff that they normally wouldn�t post on their real instagram account. Some people post memes, rant or just post funny pictures of themselves and their friends.
Facebook page finds
Here are some Facebook pages you can go and like to see some classic memes.
Summer Comics: 9 Steps on How to Become a True Hipster
By Miranda Bradford, Graphic Designer
Summer Comics: The stages of writer’s block
Every student ever has experienced this.
Summer Comics: 8 Steps to Being a Fun Person
Don’t be a Debbie-downer. Follow these 8 steps to becoming a fun person.
Photoblog: Required Chaos Improv Show
If you think the Improv show on April 1 was an April Fool’s joke, then you missed out on a great performance by North Greenville University’s Improv team. That’s okay, because here are a few highlights of the night’s comedic show.