What�s the app that seems to have popped up out of nowhere? What do you keep seeing in all of your recent advertisements? What is shaping up to be one of the most controversial apps out there? It�s TikTok, or as we all once knew it, Musical.ly.
APPraisals: Duolingo
The APP of the week is Duolingo, an app that helps anyone learn a foreign language.
APPraisals: Polarr, photo editing made easy
Polarr Photo Editor is an app made for doing exactly as its title gives away, which is editing photos. The extremely innovative app is used by photographers for all kinds of picture editing purposes.
The Five Best Fitness Apps
What if there was an app to help you drop those few extra pounds before summer?
Fast food moving faster
Learn more about the mobile app that makes ordering your food or coffee faster.
Eight apps to keep you safe
Your smart phone can be more than just entertainment.
Top 5 Free Study Apps for Students
Explore the top 5 free apps to help you study.