Major League Baseball takes the field for the 2021 season which opened April 1st. Political divides over the potential for a vaccine passport and students recieve their COVID stimulus, more […]
Monday Minute – 3.22.21
*Update – The team that produced this video were informed of an incorrect title. The issue has been corrected and we appreciate your patience. Spring weather brings new safety challenges […]
Charlie Brown has Come to Town
All the world’s a stage, but this season the NGU theatre department is opening with “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown”. How the performers are keeping safe, ticket availability and […]

NGU Homecoming 2018 recap
North Greenville University�s Homecoming 2018 was a huge success. Check out all the exciting events going on throughout the week.
Sports Recap 10.18.18
Spencer Sissel has the latest on fall sports on this week’s Sports Recap.
Tuesday Talk 10.02.18
On this weeks Tuesday Talk, Ian Ritchings brings some of the latest entertainment news.

Monday Minute 10.01.18
We start off October with the #MondayMinute, reported by Vision TV’s Ryan Wyatt. Be sure to watch each Monday for your latest news on and off campus. Have a great week NGU.