North Greenville University’s Ultimate Frisbee team won its first scrimmage of the season, 13-6 against Furman Thursday evening.
VIDEO: Minor Setback, Major Comeback
Briana Mann, Vision TV Staff
Football game recap
This graphic shows the college football game scores of multiple states.
Swords up! North Greenville’s new sports app
This is the front page of the Swords Up! app
Photoblog: First Kick Of The Season
The Crusaders were strong as they kicked off the night scoring the first touchdown against Tusculum College.
Humans of NGU : Braylyn Blakely & the love of Basketball
Junior Braylyn Blakely a native of Laurens, SC is Sport-Management major with the hopes of one day becoming a Athletic Director at a big time division 1 program.
Basketball…and rats?
The division champs are battling out their grudge match. Suddenly the creature makes a bold move, he steals the ball from his four-legged friend and expertly drops it in the basketball hoop for a tasty treat. That’s right, we’re talking about rat b-ball
Who should win NBA MVP: Fear The Beard vs Mr. Triple-Double
The 2016-2017 MVP. This is by far the hardest decision that needs to be made in basketball history.
Student starts independent sports network: #2SpoonsProduction
Submerging himself in YouTube videos and other media networks, Lindsay was inspired to chase after his own outlet and use it to tell the stories of local artists as well as athletes like himself.
NGU baseball ‘rains’ on pfeiffer’s parade, despite thunderstorm delays
The North Greenville Crusaders shut out the Pfeiffer Falcons in a three game series that began Friday afternoon and was followed up with a double-header on Saturday.