TruBroth hits Travelers Rest

TruBroth hits Travelers Rest

Former San Diego coffee shop owners, Charlie Ngo and Lauren Tran have taken a leap of faith by believing in the power of a bone broth and  Vietnamese style coffee/tea shop in Travelers Rest, South Carolina.  TruBroth just celebrated its grand opening last month and this allows NGU students to have a healthier option while walking the streets of Downtown Travelers Rest. 

Mission Trips: The influence and impact

Mission Trips: The influence and impact

Mission trips are an incredible opportunity. The chance to go overseas and share the Gospel with people who had never heard it before is an incredible opportunity. Trips like this one not only change the lives of the people witnessed to, the ministers themselves are also changed. A group of 13 people went to Guatemala from March 2-9 to experience just that. One of those people was Grace Hayes.

Photoblog: It’s never too late for a good prank

Photoblog: It’s never too late for a good prank

April Fools� is the world�s greatest �get out of jail free� card for all those passive aggressive, sometimes borderline pranks we�ve been dying to play on friends, roommates, professors, and family members the entire year. Here are seven sure ways you can prank your friends and make this the best, or most infuriating, April Fools� day ever.

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