Here are three coffee shops that should be on the top of your list of local places to visit. Grab your friends, grab your homework and grab a drink at some of the most popular coffee shops in the area.

Here are three coffee shops that should be on the top of your list of local places to visit. Grab your friends, grab your homework and grab a drink at some of the most popular coffee shops in the area.
North Greenville University held its annual Global Impact Conference earlier this month. Each year, NGU�s Institute of Global Leadership makes it their mission to highlight the importance of missionaries and make certain that students have opportunities to learn more about the world around them and the difference that they can make.
Does your plate proportions look like this?
Get that dream job with these do�s and don�ts of how to answer some popular interview questions.
Make sure you are getting the right vitamin intake to stay healthy and strong during these times.
Here are some tips to help prepare you for online exam studying.
It�s easy to get stressed when we�re all in lockdown. Just remember to take some time to cool off for a bit.
We�re the ones living on this planet so we might as well do our part and treat it nicely. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Earth day is April 22nd, so get out and enjoy some fresh air!
This story contains a playlist of songs that can be used to cheer people up during these times of sickness and uncertainty.