NGU basketball coach Chad Lister praised the determination of his team during the season, where despite the results, he highlighted how much they learned for the next campaign, where they are looking to win the championship.
NGU goes on mission: Spreading the gospel in Kosovo
NGU students ventured to Kosovo during their spring break to spread the gospel and make connections. Read about it here.
NGU takes on NYC: A recap of the New York mission trip
North Greenville students traveled all over the world on mission trips over spring break. Take a look at what those who went to the Big Apple did.
NGU gone mad for March Madness? Read about how excited NGU is for college basketball
Basketball and brackets are going crazy on campus. Read about what all the madness is about at NGU.
Bringing culture to the classroom
Learn more about NGU’s French Festival full of fun festivities.
Next steps for students: NGU’s career fair
Check out NGU’s Career Fair for students on March 20, 2024.
How well do you know Easter?
Test your Easter knowledge as Spring kicks off.
NGU’s spring rendition: “Jane Eyre, the Musical”
“Jane Eyre, the Musical” is the theatre department’s next performance. Get excited with this preview.
Crusader red turned Cincinnati Reds- read about NGU baseball alum, John Michael Faile’s journey to signing with the Reds
Read all about NGU baseball alum, John Michael Faile signing his contract with Cininnati Reds.
Connecting neighbors to Christ: A look into Apartment Life Ministries
Feel led to be a leader for the Lord in your local community? Check this out to learn about a unique ministry opportunity.