A chip off the old block: the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center dedication
Photos taken by Savannah Williamson
Savannah Williamson, Managing Editor
On Friday, the new Plaster building was dedicated on campus to commemorate the history of our campus. The ceremony included a variety of speakers, and a ribbon cutting ceremony.
The front of the new Plaster building paves way for new ideas and new opportunities.
Marty O’Gwynn, Vice President for Advancement gives a warm welcome and greetings to all in attendance of the building dedication.
Kay Ward Powers, retired educator and on the NGU Board of Trustees opens with greetings and invocation.
Jacob Auton, NGU student body president, gives his perspective to the new Plaster building.
President Gene Fant gives his Presidential perspective on the building and how much it will mean for the future of NGU.
Jason Hannasch, the executive director of the Robert W. Plaster foundation, gives his greetings on behalf of everyone at the foundation.
Dr. Derek Yonai, Senior Research Fellow for the Institute of Faith, Work and Economics, tells us about why free enterprise matter
John Duncan, Dean of the College of Business and Entrepreneurship, shares a shared commitment between everyone and attendance to advance the future of all who walk into the doors of the new building and build a stronger community on campus.
Brian Spearman, Alumni, Board of Trustees and senior pastor of Marietta First Baptist, gives the prayer of dedication and prays over the new building and all those that it will affect.
The sign leading into the new building, states the building’s full title.
The ribbon cutting to officially open the new building and open new pathways for the future to come.
A statue of Jesus in front of the new building, showing that above all, Jesus is always at the heart of everything we do.