Your one stop story for all things dodgeball.

Your one stop story for all things dodgeball.
Check out NGU professors’ unique offices full of personality and aesthetic for students to enjoy and participate in.
The conflict between Israel and Palestine has hit its boiling point. But how did these most recent attacks begin? Find out here.
Don’t miss out on the theater department’s next performance. Read up on “The Last Night of Ballyhoo” here.
Men’s Big and Little is here, and they want you to join. Read about this new discipleship opportunity for men.
So how many millions does it take to operate NGU? What’s campus worth? Where does my tuition go? You may have asked yourself this in the past–and the answers are right here.
Click here to get a glimpse into the ways AI can improve your life as a student.
A successful 2023 Homecoming Dance is in the books. Take a look at how it went here.
You may have heard NGU is getting a new provost. Learn what he’s all about here.
Homecoming started out with a boom. Check out NGU’s opening ceremony activities on Oct. 23, 2023.