Improv-ise and thrive: spooktacular halloween costumes that steal the show
Andrew Brackett, Staff Photographer
Ten of the best costumes from Thursday night Improv comedy show.

Junior Alyse Barret (middle) as one of the three blind mice. Her partners are both alumni from NGU. This group who won the best group award.

Sophomore Isabelle Western dresses as Anakin from Star Wars. She won the best solo costume.

Freshman Payton Anderson shows her best Penguin from Batman.

Freshman Harper Whaley dresses as a Catrina, a symbol of the day of the dead.

Sophomore Caleb Riley with the classic Buccees onesie.

Freshman Bryson Childs as the infamous Beetle Juice.

Senior Lauren Drake dresses as a “clicker” from the TV/game series “Last of Us.”

Senior Will Fulton portrays Joel Miller from the “Last of Us.”

Sophomore Chappie Livdahl homemade Mandalorian costume out of cardboard.

Sophomore Callie Meyerholtz and Junior Logan Stewart as a Bonnie and Clyde “with bullet holes included.”