Ahhh, ace: sand volleyball intramurals
Caroline McNeely, Visual Arts Editor
From playing in sand boxes as kids to playing in boxes of sand as college students, sand volleyball is a hit for North Greenville students. Check out these moments of sand volleyball intramurals.

Four teams go head-to-head as they keep score and do their best to win the game. The more games a team wins, the greater of a chance a team has to win the big championship at the end of the sand volleyball intramural season.

You can find line-judges like Ryan Longwell, junior Christian studies major, as he watches the game closely to help determine each point while having fun and chatting with peers.

Sand volleyball intramural teams give their all to win each game. Sand volleyball games are typically on Tuesday and Thursday nights starting at 8 p.m.

It’s about more than just volleyball. It’s about community. Shannon Hardin (far left) junior sport management major, Anna Sutherland, sophomore elementary education major, Cecelia Sundell, junior English and Christian studies major and Taylor French, junior secondary English education major cheer on their friend as they play on the court.

Four teams play in competitive yet sportsmanlike games each night for sand volleyball intramurals. The loud music, teammates calling for the volleyball and friends chatting and laughing with each other is hard to miss when you walk by the Recreation Complex.

Jordyn Dickson (far left), freshman health science major, Elijah Williams, freshman business administration major and Tinsley Hawkins, freshman business management major use the bonfire pit area to enjoy the perfect weather and top-tier porch swings that are positioned perfectly to watch their friends in sand volleyball.

All majors and years come together for intramurals. Greyson Malone (left), senior sports management major, and Hunley Kinard, sophomore business major, are able to hang out and create new memories on sand volleyball nights.