Senior spotlights: sharing their wisdom for freshman
Caroline McNeely, Visual Arts Editor
If anyone knows how to do college well, they do. As freshman begin their “firsts” at North Greenville University, seniors begin their “lasts” and impart their wisdom to freshmen.

Carmen Wells
Musical theater major
“My advice is to explore interests outside of your major. College is a time to meet all kinds of friends and mentors. The only way you’re going to do that is to visit other departments and get involved with clubs and extracurriculars. I know the theater department is always excited to welcome new people and we adore having other majors involved in the shows here.”

Graham Ford
Digital media major
“Seek community. Don’t hermit yourself. NGU is a great place to get out there. If you seek community
you will find a home here.”

Megan Griggs
Psychology major
“It’s okay to be alone sometimes, but don’t forget the importance of community. You need support in your college years and the Bible says we are made for community.”

Devonaire Willoughby
Digital media major
“Do your reading, homework and don’t procrastinate.”

Greyson Malone
Sports management major
“Make connections quick and fast. The more connections you have will lead to more internships and it will also lead to job opportunities in the future. This will also help you get experience in any or all fields that you are given the chance to work in. It’s important to get your name out there quickly to let people know you’re a reliable person who is willing to step up to any challenge.”

Keddy Mendoza
Social studies secondary education major
“It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of college, but remember that life is beautiful. The Lord is good and you do have the time. Hold onto these memories because these will be the good ‘ole days.”

Noah Smith
Christian studies major
“Don’t spend so much time developing a social life that you don’t spend time studying and don’t spend so much time studying that you don’t develop a social life.”