These ladies are up to par: Updates on the NGU women’s golf team
Casey Burton, Sports Editor
May the fores be with the lady crusaders this season as they climb up the conference rankings.
The North Greenville University’s women’s golf team started out their season out with a bang. The team got second place out of nine teams at their first outing. They are currently in the middle of their season and have been in a consecutive streak of being in the upper percentage of their tournaments.
This season has looked a lot more promising than last season for the girls. Last season, they consecutively placed in the lower percentile of most of their matches. The team has made some changes that have improved the team overall.
Bud Tate, head coach of NGU’s women’s golf team said about half the team last season were made up of seniors, causing him to rebuild an almost brand-new team.
“What we needed was a brand-new start to build back up confidence in the girls. And this team’s dynamic, along with a great start of the season, have what they need to finish this season strong”, Tate said.
The group of girls are very confident that the program is headed towards a good direction, showing tremendous progress in a year.
“The team is on the road to becoming a group of young female Tiger Woods’ for sure”, Marigrace Ellis, freshman player said.
An important aspect for a team to work well together is good chemistry among each other. The girls this year have gotten close and have developed a great dynamic, which makes it easier to improve as a team overall. Even in a “solo sport”, in the sense of the most teamwork golf requires is support; it is still very necessary.
“My close friendship with the girls keeps me going honestly. If I didn’t like who I played alongside, I wouldn’t look forward to it so much and wouldn’t be able to do it every day. Besides, feeling that support is the backbone of the sport in college because we’re all away from home, so we are our family while we’re here. So having a good relationship with the team is a top priority”, Ellis said.
The team has a handful of seniors this season, so the girls are making sure to soak up every moment they can with their close-knit team.
As for next season, could be very different as new girls will be coming in. No fear for the girls though because coach Tate has proven that he knows what he’s doing in terms of recruitment. As of for right now, the women’s NGU golf team is on the rise and on the come up as they are in the upper half of the conference so far.