What you need to know before playing the new “Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga”

What you need to know before playing the new “Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga”

Chad Stratton, Staff Writer

What you need to know before playing “Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga”

Millions of Star Wars fans are ecstatic for this new game to finally be released after being delayed a few times. On April 5, the Star Wars franchise will enter a new era, as TT Games is making this game bigger and better than it ever seen before. Before you play however, there might be some facts that you’ll need to know, or you will be interested in before playing.

TT Games has completely switched their engine and created a new one called NTT (pronounced Entity). This means that there will be major improvements that will make their future games even better. There will be many tweaks with the new game. Some are affiliated with animation, some with speech patterns and some are little tweaks with camera and lighting. The main detail that will be completely changed is combat. Each character will be able have a combat feature, in which characters will be separated into three categories: Lightsaber combat, blaster combat, and melee combat. Each combat style has its own features, like heavy attacks, light attacks, combo attacks, force moves if the character is force-sensitive, etc.

You may be wondering, how it this unlike any other by TT Games? For one, TT Games is beating its own record in the number of playable characters to 300. Currently, “Lego Marvel Super Heros II” holds the record for the most playable characters with around 230. Also, usually the other games that have been made by TT Games make you play through them chronologically, but instead you are allowed to start in the story in whatever film you would like to. There is also not going to be a centralized lobby at the start of the game. Instead, there a list of 25 planets you can choose to stay on: Naboo, Tatooine, Coruscant, Kamino, Geonosis, Kashyyyk, Utapau. Mustafar, Yavin 4, Hoth, Dagobah, Bespin, Endor, Jakku, Takodana, D’Qar, Starkiller Base, Ahch-To, Cantonica, Crait, Ajan Kloss, Pasaana, Kijimi, Kef Bir, and Exegol. There will also be DLCs from the following spin-off shows and movies: The Mandalorian, The Solo Story, Rogue One, and The Bad Batch.

Another major feature and adaptation to this game is droid A.I., and droid player control. This is a major change from TT Games’ previous Lego Star Wars games. In their previous games, droids had little function. All they could do was access panels and run away from combat with very slow speed (with the exception of IG-88, a bounty hunter droid). Now, not only can they access panels with different animation, but they can control vehicles and machinery, and each droid has their very own combat feature, which has never been seen before.

Truthfully, this game is going to change the franchise as a whole. This game is going to be a lot of fun, with so many more jokes, funny cutscenes, and more. As they are trying to get as accurate as possible to the storyline, many fans may actually learn something new about the story of Star Wars, and its rich lore.

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