Ten Days of Thanksgiving: day four, early sunsets

Seth Atkins, Staff Photographer

Thanksgiving is coming right around the corner, and this holiday can remind us of so many things that we may not even realize. Each day leading up to Thanksgiving, photos will be posted that that can remind us of this special time of year.

Day four: for those who have early evening Thanksgiving gatherings, sunsets become a part of the occasion. It is such a beautiful moment to be eating with those you love, then looking out the window to see a beautiful sunset created by God. Below you will see a gorgeous sunset over NGU’s campus. The picture was taken at 5:30 p.m., on Nov. 10, 2021, next to Bruce Hall.

The sun setting on November 10th, 2021, over the Bruce parking lot.
The sun setting on November 10, 2021, over the Bruce parking lot.
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