How well do you remember iCarly?

How well do you remember iCarly?

Mary Mahan, Graphic Designer

On February 8th, an account on Twitter sent out a tweet that read, �SOCIAL EXPERIMENT: if you come across this tweet, rank these shows from best to worse.� The tweet included four photos depicting the cast of Drake & Josh, iCarly, Victorious and Zoey 101. Twitter erupted with their responses, all of them varying in their rankings. But for me personally, my ranking of the four shows looks like this:

  1. iCarly

  2. Drake & Josh

  3. Victorious

  4. Zoey 101

Take this quiz to see if you remember my favorite Nickelodeon show as well as I do�

iCarly quiz to test Nikelodean fan’s knowledge of the retired show.

iCarly quiz to test Nikelodean fan�s knowledge of the retired show.

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