Valentine’s Ideas for Couples and Singles

Valentine’s Ideas for Couples and Singles

Chloe Watson, associate writer

photo courtesy of UnSplash.com

photo courtesy of UnSplash.com

Valentine’s Day is a simple premise – take a date to celebrate love and romance. Some people take it very seriously, planning for weeks and buying extravagant gifts. For others, it’s just another day – nothing special. The weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day can be very hard for singles and couples alike, as they struggle to come up with fun, memorable activities. Here are five ideas for couple and singles ranging in price and commitment level.


1. Volunteer Together

No plans for the afternoon? Do a little research and find a charitable organization. Animal shelters, pregnancy clinics, food banks – it doesn’t have to be anything big, but they are always looking for extra help. It is a chance to do something really nice for others and make long-lasting memories.

2. Laser Tag

Some couples really enjoy doing more adventurous things together. This could include exploring and stretching the limits of their comfort zones. Other couples get trapped in only-ever-going-to-dinner-and-a-movie rut. Either way, laser tag (or even paintball) is a fun way to try something unique and maybe even something one of the two have never done before.

3. Board games

Don’t feel like going out? It seems like most families have a couple board games stashed in the corner that just gather dust. If not, go to Walmart and pick out something that looks interesting. People, even the noncompetitive ones, always seem to reveal their true nature when they go bankrupt in Monopoly.

4. Making dessert

Not everyone has access to full kitchens, especially those in college, but Pinterest is full of simple, tasty recipes to make in a microwave. Cooking is fun, especially with a loved one, and there’s a chance to make something really delicious.

5. Dinner and a movie

A classic. Iconic. It’s hard to go wrong with something so simple, yet so elegant. Two activities blend the chance to talk over a quiet meal and a chance to just sit and enjoy each other’s company. Movies of almost every genre are in theaters now. A couple is sure to find something they’re both interested in.


1. Go dancing

Not all dancing has to be romantic – there are plenty of clubs and studios hidden around the city. Swing dancing is a fun chance to work out, have fun, and even learn a new skill.

2. Movie marathon

Whether it’s a new series that has sparked your curiosity or an old favorite; movies are a great time to relax. To spice it up a little, pile-up some pillows and blankets, have some friends over and make some popcorn and a dessert. If it’s a group of three or four, have everyone bring their favorite movie to share – not necessarily a romance, just something that they enjoy.

3. Make Valentine’s cards

High school senior Savannah Elgin has spent all of February for the past few years making valentines for cancer patients at a local hospital. This past year, she got help from friends and family, and together they made over 400 valentines…way more than what she was expecting. Even those who don’t have the manpower to make hundreds of valentines, a few friends making a couple could make someone’s day.

4. Self care day

Relax. Buy a face mask, or a bath bomb, or a sugar scrub. Once all of the day’s tasks are done and all of the homework is finished, turn on some music and take some time to relax. College and work tend to push the thought of “me time” to the back, but it’s important to take a second to breathe.

5. Concert

Everyone has a different music preference – rock, jazz, classical – but in a decent-sized city, there’s a concert for everyone. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, and it doesn’t have to be anything expensive. A quick Google search should show some results in the area. Depending on the style, place and mood, a concert could be a place to relax or party.

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