Glass: A Movie Review

Glass: A Movie Review

Meghan Salinas, Visual Editor

photo courtesy: pixabay

photo courtesy: pixabay

As an individual who wasn’t up date with the latest Superhero movie and lacked the knowledge of what superhero had what power, I was excited to finally be at the front of the line at the movie theater to see the movie “Glass.” With high hopes after seeing “Split” starring James McAvoy, who was most famously known for playing the role as Mr. Tumnus in the movie based off of C.S Lewis’s “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.”

“Split” starred McAvoy who a was victim of childhood abuse who has slipped into a deep state of dissociative identity disorder in which, as a coping mechanism, created 23 distinct personalities, all very different from one another. While one of his personalities could be of a nine year old named Hedwig one minute, a British woman named Patricia the next, to finally the worst one of all, The Beast. The movie ends with a cliff hanger, of course.

“Unbreakable” starred Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson told the story of a security guard named David Dunn, played by Bruce Willis, who searches for his meaning of life. After David gives up his college football career to marry his wife and faces a dissolving marriage right afterwards. Dunn suddenly finds himself in a train crash killing 131 passengers, with him being the only survivor with no injuries. Coincidence? Not really. Superhero strength? Yes, most definitely. David discovers that when he comes into touch contact with other people, he is able to glimpse criminal acts they have committed.

 Elijah, who is played by Samuel L. Jackson suffers from a rare disease that makes your bones very fragile and prone to fracture. Elijah becomes a comic-book dealer and during his time in the hospital he hopes to find the answer to one question. “If I represent human frailty there must be someone “unbreakable” at the opposite extreme. David, the train crash survivor is the answer he finds.

“Glass” is an intense third part of a trilogy that writer/director M. Night Shyamalan that connects both of these stories’ worlds.

The story line focuses on the existence of super-beings and what that actually might mean for the world.  For someone who was only able to see “Split”, I thoroughly enjoyed this film for the dramatic pauses, the jump-worthy scares, and the surprisingly comedic humor from Jackson, Willis, and McAvoy. There will be a second part of the film, if audience hadn’t already guessed.

 I would definitely encourage audiences to see both “Split” and “Unbreakable” before seeing the collaboration of the two in “Glass.”


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