October is filled with a lot, look out for the 27th when Kava hosts their Halloween Party with plenty of drink specials and a possible costume contest.
Crusading through the Gulf South Conference
Exciting things are happening for the North Greenville Crusaders this year.
Fallin’ for fall break
Looking for something inexpensive to do during fall break? Look no further, we have got you covered!
NGU’s homecoming opening ceremony
Here�s a look at NGU�s opening ceremony for homecoming week.
Urbanwood shakes the ground with praise
On Oct. 5, Urbanwood held a night of worship for students and the public. Here are some pictures that captures the spirit moving through the band and the audience.
Upstate versus the Lowcountry: What’s the difference?
Have you ever visited the Lowcountry? If you have then you know there are a ton of things there that we definitely don’t have here in the Upstate. Check out the differences between the two such as the cuisine, the tourist locations and the wildlife.
DIY pumpkin ideas for Halloween
Here are the top five ways North Greenville Students can get their pumpkin perfect for the month of October.
Register to vote today!
Confused about how to register to vote or if you can register as a out of state college student? This graphic tells you all you need to know and more.
NGU’s 2018 fall summer camp fair
Luke Kingsbury – Staff Photographer Former NGU student and program specialist, Megan Conley, recruiting North Greenville University students for world changers. Camp Merrie-Woode?s table at NGUs 2018 summer camp recruiting […]
Monday Minute 10.08.18
Happy Monday, Crusaders! Vision TV’s Bethany Fowler brings us the latest on the American diet, Nigeria’s economy, a local church, and homecoming at NGU.