As a university that is extremely adamant about abstaining from any sexual relations, it becomes increasingly difficult for those who sin while at the university, to repent and move on from their previous actions or lifestyle.
Humans of NGU: Taylor Welch Takes a Chance on Rock n’ Roll
For Taylor Welch, a freshmen marketing major at North Greenville University, classic rock plays a very important role in his life, �I think that the music and lyrics, while still catchy, are very relatable to me, and a lot of other people.� Said Welch.
Situations in Rio de Janeiro create concern for Olympic Athletes
With the 2016 Olympics a little over four months away, concern for the athletes� health are rising as the environment in the developing country of Rio de Janeiro continues to get worse.
Ways to Spend the Rest of your Crusader Bucks
Here’s a few ideas of things you can buy to use up those leftover Crusader Bucks.
Photoblog: Fun Day in NGU Game Room
One of the best places to take a break from your schoolwork is the NGU Game Room. Final exams are coming up soon, so a few students took the opportunity to break from studying and have a little fun.
VIDEO: Intramural Basketball Championship
On April 11, the final intramural teams battled it out for the title, and only one team came away with the t-shirts: Church League.
Photoblog: Smash Bros Game Night
Dallas Porter, one of the hosts of the “Smash Bros” night, desires to have one more gaming event before final exams. So, keep your eyes and ears open for the dates.
12 World Leaders Implicated in Panama Papers Scandal
Although it is relatively impossible to quantify the entirety of the implications such a large leak could have for the global community, it is safe to say that the information dump that arrived last week will serve as a wake up call for politicians who believe their assets are untouchable when placed abroad.
5 gifts to surprise your mother with on Mother’s Day
You are in college and between eating, sleeping, studying, friends and trying to hold on to the ever-fading concept of a love life or at least a decent GPA, calling mom isn�t always the priority. The good news is Mother�s day is the perfect opportunity to make up for that through gifts. So make it count.
Steven Curtis Chapman�s Family Ministry Comes to NGU: The Red Bus Project
North Greenville University students were greeted Monday morning by the buses presence outside of the cafeteria, where students were invited to take advantage of the opportunity they have to get involved. Even if solely out of intrigue, the Project managed to pack their bus and booths with curious students.