Photoblog: Future Crusader Day – Freshmen connect with NGU

Photoblog: Future Crusader Day – Freshmen connect with NGU

Photographer: Miranda Bradford

Brendon Dail, Staff Writer

Last Saturday, future crusader got to attend an all day event at North Greenville University called Future Crusader Day.

This event allowed high school seniors attending NGU for the coming fall semester to get a good feel for the campus. It also gave them a chance to mingle with other students who will be attending.

Upon arrival, students met in Hayes Ministry Center for their placement tests.

Afterwards, they gathered in Turner Chapel to become official crusaders. This is also where students first got to meet one another.

Meanwhile, in Hayes Ministry Center the school informed the parents about what each student could expect living on campus away from home.

Back in Turner Chapel, the campus staff, activities, organizations and clubs were introduced to the students.

Immediately following the Turner Chapel session, students broke out into various sessions such as the honors program, teams and ministries, student success, financial aid, athletics, student life, etc. Students got to choose two of these to attend and lunch was provided in between.

At 1:30 p.m. students broke into their selective major areas where they were given brief presentations of that selected major. Class schedules were given to students who already registered and completed their necessary paperwork.

The students then met back in Turner Chapel for a brief wrap up of the Future Crusader Day and gave away some scholarships.

After the giveaways, students and parents either adjourned or stayed for optional tours of the campus.

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