Photo Gallery: Valentine's Day: more than just chocolate and flowers at NGU
Once a semester guys have the opportunity to visit their female friends inside their dorm rooms. During spring semester, it falls over Valentine’s day to make it a special time for the girls at NGU. This year it was held on February 10. Junior Adam Polk enjoys going over to visit sophomores Sarah Wells, Amy Coleman and junior Jessica Younger.
Sophomore Abigail Tinker and Senior Dusty Kennon run one of the check in booths for open dorms during open dorms.
RA’s are in charge of staying inside their dorms for an allotted amount of time to monitor. Sophomore Alisa Sandlin sits back and chats with junior Rachel Alley who came to visit her while she was on duty.
Because this open dorm was held on February 10, some students needed to go to the library for some quietness in order to get some work done for classes the next day. Sophomores Cheyanne Penlind, Emily Waugh, Hartley Smith and Ann Hayden Huxford show their excitement, as well as disgust, for going off to study in the library.
Sophomore Devin Worth decides to invite some friends over to study in her room instead of heading off to the library.
Sophomore Marianne Woodard enjoys the peace and solitude of her dorm room to work on some homework while a few of her friends pop into her room during open dorms.
Some do not have the ability to have their boyfriend visit them during open dorms, so junior Jessica Younger makes the most of skype to be able to chat with her significant other during this eventful evening.
NGU students enjoy using open dorms as a chance to gather together to play some board games, laugh and just chat with each other in a different location than simply around campus at places such as the stud. Sophomore Sarah Garrett invited a lot of her friends to come over to play a board game in her room.
Others enjoy getting together and having the chance to be able to watch a movie together inside a dorm room on comfortable seats, such as the beds inside the room. Sophomore Marie Fout invited some of her friends to her room to watch a movie together.
In Unit B, students enjoyed gathering together to play some more lively games during open dorms. Sophomore Abigail Hastings takes her turn guessing during a crazy game of “Heads Up” charades.
Sophomore Meg Darby enjoys the laid back atmosphere of being able to chat while doing some henna for her roommate and some guy friends that stopped by her dorm.
Often during open dorms, girls enjoy preparing food to eat, always making the party that much more fun. Sophomore Meg Darby chats with junior Rachel Alley around the chips and sweets table in the middle of the common room.
Junior Tyler Ezsol gives his thumbs up approval on the open dorm evening on his way to visit some friends down the hall.
Photos by Miranda Bradford, Assistant Editor
Click through this photo gallery to see what your friends were up to during Open Dorms on February 10.