North Greenville University strives to maintain discipline, but more importantly provide support to its students. The combination of discipline and support is meant to aid students rather than harm them.

North Greenville University strives to maintain discipline, but more importantly provide support to its students. The combination of discipline and support is meant to aid students rather than harm them.
Grace Myers, Managing Editor The kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart shook the nation. A young girl taken from her home and tortured for nine months. Outrage was everywhere. Unfortunately, however, Smart’s […]
During this time of our lives college students are hit with so many responsibilities. Professors tell students to study at least two hours for their subject, while maintaining somewhat of a social life, oh, and let us not forget that the whole point of going to a university is to prepare us for our future, which is indeed finding a job after graduation. Want to know more? Click here! 🙂
All the hype and debate surrounding the 2016 presidential election season saw its first results on Monday, Feb. 1, with the Iowa caucus victory going to Sen. Ted Cruz, after pollsters had the candidate in a virtual tie with nationwide GOP poll leader, Donald Trump.