Vision TV Social Media Team
VIDEO: What We Love About Fall
Vision TV Social Media Team
Bringing Bitmoji to life
Our Bitmoji�s have paved the way for Snapchat�s users to make their stories and messages to their friends more imaginative and innovative than ever before.
Summer Comics: 9 Steps on How to Become a True Hipster
By Miranda Bradford, Graphic Designer
Six ways to procrastinate during finals
Here are six things that we all do on the regular when we should be doing anything else
Facebook employs artificial intelligence to prevent suicide
Welcome to Facebook, where artificial intelligence is now part of your daily social media
The Unsocial Network: How social media affects community
After all, people aren�t just profiles and souls aren�t just selfies. Community demands we look behind the mask that social media encourages.
Life unplugged: A tale of a day without social media
Life Unplugged. A reflection of a social media cleanse for a day. My day was filled with devotions, authentic Bible readings and a whole lot smiling! Click on the link and enjoy ya’ll 🙂
Opinion: Do Christians go too far in politics?
Margaret Milteer, The Vision Magazine graphic artist Graphic courtesy of Emily Artus. It?s been a long day and the weary college student is looking forward to only one thing: her […]
Storify: The Mannequin Challenge
A new obsession has hit the world known as the Mannequin Challenge.