Who likes an interesting adventure that takes you through decades and lands? Get your tickets now for NGU Theatre’s “On The Verge.” Take a look at just a few moments from this fearless show.
An NGU improv show: From Lifetime to outhouses
The NGU improv team did an improv show right after the �Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley� production on Nov. 23, 2019. at 9:59 p.m. They did skits such as �The Dating Game� and the �Box of Death”.�
Improv: Chaos required
�We forget so easily that God hasn�t created us to be stressed 24/7 and to be bogged down with to-do lists. So, our mission as a team is to allow the campus to forget momentarily all the unpleasantness of their lives.� Take a look into the world of organized insanity with NGU’s own Improv team, Required Chaos.